
Our Trilingual Version of Moopher’s Amazing Journey to the Sea is an exciting board game designed for children ages 7-12+. By helping Moopher (a mischievous gopher) travel to the sea, children learn about their place within the Saskatchewan River Basin, its diverse culture, and how their actions can influence the greater watershed basin.

Each Game Includes:
• 1 large 20 x 29 gameboard with diorama on back
• 1 instruction booklet with diorama pictures
• 3 decks of memory cards (for playing as part of the game, or on its own)
• 1 deck of river cards (trivia)
• 4 river rocks, dice
Learn Îl-à-la-Crosse Michif and Cree Languages
We are so excited to announce we now have our trilingual version of Moopher’s Amazing Journey to the Sea available! In this trilingual version, players are able to learn important vocabulary and phrases in both Îl-à-la-Crosse Michif and Cree! While the instruction booklet will be in English, portions of the game board, the trivia cards, and the matching cards will be in the other two languages.
Already have an older version of the game? No problem! Download the new trilingual trivia cards below.
Download the Trilingual Moopher Trivia Cards

Travel Through Time or Visit Different Ecosystems
“Moopher’s Travels through Time” examines how society has changed over time by comparing drinking methods, housing, transportation, important animals, and tasks through four time periods — Indigenous communities prior to European contact; the time of the fur trade and Metis communities; the arrival of settlers from other parts of the world; and present day communities along the river.
“Moopher’s Visit to Different Ecosystems” examines the types of animals and insects associated with the mountains, forest, grassland, aquatic ecosystems. Moopher even makes an appearance in them. The back of the game board is a large diorama showcasing 4 different ecosystems. The booklet contains two additional activities with associated games.